Earning My First $1 Online

Yesterday I started making money using the free site called Timebucks. I am testing the theory that I can earn $1 from completing simple ad clicks on this site, which I can then use to build my income in various ways.

Earning $1 a day is a great first target to work on as it can open many doors online. It provides a very solid foundation for moving forward and securing higher level income. For example when you learn to earn $1 a day, you can then build your earning up slowly but surely to reach $10 a day, $20 a day, even $100+ per day. This is the system that I teach in my $10 a Day Club.

Ad clicks are not very exciting, and in my opinion are written off by far too many people because of the idea that they do not pay enough to earn serious amounts of money online.

Nothing could be further from the truth though. If you are willing to complete ad clicks you can earn a million dollars online……

Will you allow me the chance to show you how? I do hope so.

I will detail everything you need to know, step by step in this blog. I will show you exactly how it works by documenting my own earning journey as well.

Step 1 is to keep doing ad clicks until you can’t do any more. Trust me, it will be worth the time and effort.

I like to check my progress at certain goals when working on a test like this one:

After 100 ad clicks I have earned $0.178:

I kept going until I ran out of ads to click:

I earned $0.26 by clicking on 141 ads today. This answers my question about being able to earn $1 in a day by clicking ads on Timebucks.

I know that $0.26 might not sound like much but it is free money and 100% profit on day 1. Considering people often spend much more than they ever earn online this is highly significant. It is much more than is often earned by the “more advanced methods” that people tend to think of as “better”.

Despite not reaching my goal of $1 today by clicking ads, I do have the option to use other earning tasks to boost my balance. I chose to complete a few very short surveys to take my balance over $1. Don’t worry if surveys are not for you, there are plenty of other options for us to explore together!

In my next blog post I will explain more about why I gave myself a target of earning $1 today AND how this fits into my long term plan for earning a million dollars online.

Extra Earning Tips For Ad Clicks

When completing the ad clicks on Timebucks pay attention to the timer that shows in the tab after you have clicked the ad. I have noticed it can stop running at times, so just open the tab again and open the ad again and it will continue to zero so you get paid. Clearing cookies can also help to prevent this issue.

Many of the ads will be promoting other sites. Some of these are genuine sites that are worth checking out, but many of them are not. Be selective if you join the sites being advertised and do a bit of research to check if they are paying or not.

Ad clicks are boring so learn to multi task – I love to read or watch TV while doing my ad clicks. I can even write new blog posts while clicking ads in a different tab on my laptop.

Give yourself a target number of ads to click, or a specific amount you want to aim for each day. You can even give yourself a time limit to see how much you can earn during that time…..

Take a break, walk around, or do some different earning tasks between sessions of doing ad clicks.

Remember that you are just using ad clicks to help you earn some funds to move on to much higher income building activities. Ignore the amount that you earn at first – we will be multiplying that over and over again so it is not relevant.

Don’t underestimate the amount of money you can earn from a site like Timebucks. It has already paid me over $2000:

I will be doing my best to help you learn how to maximise your earnings from this great site too! My $10 A Day Club is designed to help you figure out what Timebucks can do for you.


29 responses to “Earning My First $1 Online”

  1. Welcome Back Ellie!

    1. Thank you Knight, great to see you here on my new blog!

  2. Hello Ellie.

    So good to hear from you. I will start from scratch with Timebucks

    I believe in you and will work hard. please help me to achievrca four figure monthly income.

    Warm regards.

    Raju mahtani

    1. I’m glad you’re doing fine. I was wondering where you had or what happened to you.
      If I may suggest something, since you are “starting over ” if you would proceed a bit slower and make sure everyone has caught up before you go to the next step. Not everyone is keen to the many programs out there or know how to do certain tasks on the computer. Also, maybe stick with one program at a time instead of multiple ones. Again, good that you’re back and look forward to working with you.

  3. Caroline Avatar

    So glad you are better, hope your journey just get better and better ❤️

  4. I’m glad that you are well, hope you stay in good health, try eating foods that helps the brain to strong. I wish you all the best, stay strong and never lose the will to live. Eat lots berries and nuts they are good food for the brain, You have a bless day, I’ll keep you in my prayers.

  5. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    I knew in my heart you’d be back Ellie – and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that your new plan involves earning a million dollars.

    I’ve missed you and your guidance so much my friend – and I’m sure it won’t surprise you that I’ll be keeping you company on this new adventure.

  6. Derrick Yarwood Avatar
    Derrick Yarwood

    Great to see your back in action

  7. Steven Austin Avatar
    Steven Austin

    Hiya Ellie,

    I am so happy to see that you are feeling a bit better and back doing what I know you love doing, I’ll be following you and doing what needs to be done, no matter what.


  8. Linda Clements Avatar
    Linda Clements

    Hi Ellie. I’m so happy 😊 you’re back. I will start from scratch too. Linda.

  9. Welcome back Ellie. I do hope your health continues to improve. Though I may not do ad clicks etc. I wish you success. You do have drive and I believe you are a good person. Thanks for striving to help as many as you can earn an online income.

  10. Glad to hear from you Ellie, welcome back. Hope your health improves

  11. Well Ellie, Welcome back. I have stopped doing any of the things on line now. Other than keeping in touch with folk. And the one called Lend with Care.org where I try to be of help to people. I am glad to see that you are about again I will be watching but am not going to do any of it. I have lost to much for to long lol
    I am very pleased that your health has returned. Keep up being positive. All will be well. Harmony, Healing and Peace to all.

  12. Hi! Ellie,
    Welcome back! Thanks God you’re fine.

  13. Hi Ellie, I been praying for you and it is good to have you back online.

  14. Glad you’re feeling better. Good luck with your journey!

  15. Hi Elli
    Get well! Your HEATH is your wealth!
    Looking forward to working with you

  16. Thomas OToole Avatar
    Thomas OToole

    Welcome back Ellie Good to see you back doing what you
    love making mola and helping people learn from your knowledge.


  17. Jennifer Avatar

    I’m happy that you’re feeling better Ms. Ellie!

  18. Irfan aftab Avatar
    Irfan aftab

    Be healthy and cool

  19. Andrea Taylor Avatar
    Andrea Taylor

    Welcome Back Ellie Just Take it one day at a time, get some good nutrition, walk, and rest don’t over do it. Thank you for coming back and helping us, looking forward to your new venture.

  20. I am very happy for your return well I was sad and lost what to do or go where but I was very happy that you are well and ask god to stay that way always.
    welcome back

  21. Kevin Vanderwolf Avatar
    Kevin Vanderwolf

    Hi Ellie,
    good to see you are well.
    I have a problem with timebucks a fair while ago I was on it and my vpn automatically turned on, I did not realise it. They have banned me from the site. I tried to explain to them, but they do not listen. Do you know any way to fix this with them please. thanks Kevin

    1. Hi Kevin, once you are banned for using a VPN I don’t think you can sort it out sadly. You can use an alternative account such as Cointiply as your daily income site instead though.

  22. Hi Ellie. I`m glad to hear you’re health is getting better and that you are returning back doing what you love doing, marketing PTC sites andd helping other to do the same but remember that your health is first. I hope this time you proceed a bit slower. I think that before you were over working with so many proyects at the same time. I will keep on track with you.

    I wish you the best of luck Ellie.

  23. […] My first ad promoting this blog was placed on Timebucks by the way. That links directly to my earn $1 a day plan. […]

  24. Amanda Durley Avatar
    Amanda Durley

    Nearly at £10 for a withdrawal!

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