When you want to get active referrals for free sites like Timebucks, the most effective method is to look for a similar free site that offers the option to advertise to their members.
With Timebucks this means you can use other free sites that offer things like ad clicks, paid surveys, paid tasks, offer walls etc. A great free site that I use for getting referrals for Timebucks is
CoinPayU <<< Click Here To Join
CoinPayU provides ad click earnings and offer walls so provides you with a very good target audience for pomoting Timebucks. Of course the same is true the other way around, so you can also promote CoinPayU on Timebucks.
Working in this way means that you can of course earn extra funds from the second free site. Cross promoting is a very powerful system, BUT it needs to be done correctly for it to work for you.
Over the next few days I will focus on explaining the most effective methods of promoting using these 2 sites.
I am aware that some of my readers are not able to use Timebucks for various reasons, in that case you may like to use Cointiply as an alternative.
PS I have already gained some more referrals for Timebucks overnight:
The more referrals you can get for free sites the more money you will earn. This includes fully passive income where you do not have to do any work on the sites yourself……. However do remember that a little work each day on these sites provides a very powerful system for you.
These free sites can fund advertising for you when they are used effectively for example. Using them to create an advertising budget that never stops growing can be life changing when you want to promote other programs later in your journey. You need to start at the beginning however and follow my advice on building a $1 a day income system. In other words……do the ad clicks yourself. They are MUCH more valuable than you think they are.
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