In my opinion you should have a general plan for what you want to achieve before you even begin. Although this plan is not set in stone and of course can easily change as you progress having a general idea is important.

In yesterdays post I asked about your favourite site and I would suggest that you create your plan around this site.

For example, you might like to work on earning a specific amount ($100, $1000, $10,000, $100,000 or even 1 million dollars like me). You could also work on a monthly amount ($500 per month, $1000 per month). Alternatively you might like to focus on learning how to acheive a team size of 100 or 1000 people etc etc.

Fact is, if you are interested in writing a blog to help you with your journey, that blog needs to relate to you and your own goals. It needs to tell a story that other people will be interested in reading about. You can include your ups and downs, what works and what doesn’t work for you, what you try and what you learn along the way.

So todays task for my readers is to think about what you want to achieve. Write it down in the comments below. Also think about why you want to achieve this goal and make it personal to you.

To help you out, here is my own answer to this question:

What Do I Want To Achieve?

My goal with this blog is to earn 1 million dollars online, not because I want to be rich, but because I want to show others that anything is possible. I want to help get rid of the notion that simple sites and simple tasks like ad clicks are not worth working on. I want to help “the little guy or girl” to start believing that they are just as likely to succeed online as those who have a lot of money to start etc.

The amazing thing about working online is about being able to start with no exerience and no funds and build whatever you want to. It is about understanding that everyone is capable and everyone has a real chance of making it work for them.

I also have a desire to succeed despite my various health problems. My mental health especially is a big barrier for me to overcome. It has caused various problems for me in my own journey, but working online has also allowed me to understand that I am capable of many things that I thought (and was told) I was not able to do.

That is what this blog is about. I plan to keep writing it forever.

I am far from perfect, I am just trying my best. I have made many mistakes along the way……but I am still here and still trying my best to move forward. As I progress I will do my best to resolve issues that I have faced already, and ones that I will no doubt come up against in future too.

These are the things that I want to achieve…… I hope that you will enjoy reading about this journey and that it might inspire you to follow your own journey too.


6 responses to “What Do You Want To Achieve?”

  1. I love your courage and tenacity about what you want to become with this I am inspired but before this I was always afraid to make money online because of scammers,although I don’t have experience of online business but I determine to forge ahead,bravo to you.

    1. Thank you so much! I was scared about scammers when I started working online too. When you start off using free sites like Timebucks though there is no reason to be scared. Take it slowly and you will soon see how earning online is a wonderful thing!

  2. nayla Auliya Rahman Avatar
    nayla Auliya Rahman

    Great spirit Elly, Saya bangga berkenalan dengan Anda, saya berhadap energy positif dari ide ide baik Anda dapat menular ke saya khususnya dan di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang notabene penghuni kemiskinan.

    1. Thank you Nayla, I am very happy to have friends from Asia reading my blog. It is people like yourself that I most want to teach about making money online.

  3. Malcolm Young Avatar
    Malcolm Young

    Hi Ellie.

    Your post is very inspiring, as always. I am learning a lot from you and my goal is to inspire others on how to become successful online.

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