Getting Your First 10 Referrals

Team building is a skill that everyone who works online should aim to develop. It is the main contributor to income generation, and those who do not know how to do it will struggle to earn a decent amount.

Getting your first 10 referrals is not easy for most people, but today I aim to help you learn how to do it.

The first thing you need to know is consistency and determination are vital to this process. It will probably take time to get the results that you want. This is not a do it once and give up situation. You need to keep working on team building constantly.

There are free and paid methods that you can use. The main difference between those is the amount of work required. Free methods mean that you will need to spend time earning ad credits. Paid methods allow you to purchase ad credits so it takes a lot less work. The process of promoting after you have ad credits is exactly the same for both options.

You can use the methods explained below to promote any program that you choose to work on, but know there are differences in response rate for programs with specific characteristics. It is much easier to get referrals for free programs, and for ones that assist with promoting.

For this example I am going to focus on using Bzillion Club. This is both a free to join program and one that makes lead generation much easier. In other words you can use it to help you build any other program. You will also get paid for each lead generated. You will get access to over 20,000 members who are keen to build an income by working online AND a powerful system to contact those members directly.

Click Here To Join Bzillion Club

Today I will focus on teaching you how to get referrals to join Bzillion Club, but I will also provide training on how to use it to promote other opportunities in another blog post.

There are 4 main methods that you can use to get referrals for Bzillion Club:

Using traffic exchanges

Using traffic mailers

Using social media

Using paid to sites

In this post I will talk about the first 2 options and will add another blog post for each of the others ASAP.

Using Traffic Exchanges

Traffic exchanges are sites that allow members to view the ads of others in exchange for ad credits. They provide an easy to use system where you add your referral link or url of the page you wish to promote. You simply focus on adding the ad credits to your account and the ad will run automatically for as long as you have credits.

When other members see your ad, they can register as your referral, or simply ignore your ad. They are mostly interested in earning ad credits to promote their own opportunity, but may become interested in your ad while they do so.

I provide a detailed guide in using 1 traffic exchange site in the blog post Using Infinity Traffic Boost Automated Advertising System.

I also provide a list of traffic exchange sites and free promo codes etc in my Traffic Exchange List. The promo codes will give you extra advertising for free.

To promote Bzillion Club on traffic exchange sites you can simply add your referral link directly to the advertising section. A much more effective method however is to share a lead capture page or blog post. Those options allow you to explain why others might like to join the site. That is what makes them a lot more effective.

I use blog posts like these ones to get referrals for Bzillion Club:

The Easiest Way To Earn $10+ Per Day With No Cost

Turning $10 into $100 Per Month

The Best Passive Income Site For New Marketers

The BEST Lead Generation Tool I Have Ever Used is Free

By sharing the blog posts above on traffic exchange sites I get a steady flow of new referrals. As I have upgraded on many of the sites I do not need to do much work earning ad credits. These ads run for me on autopilot 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

This is one of the reasons I am able to get so many referrals for any site.

Using Traffic Mailers

Traffic mailer sites allow you to send emails to other members. Again there are paid and free options for doing this, and the only difference is the time spent earning ad credits.

I have started creating a list of mailer sites here: Mailers Traffic Sites List

To use mailer sites to get referrals you need to have emails to send out. Feel free to use any of the following examples that I would use to promote Bzillion Club:

Subject: Unlimited Earning Site Pays You $11 To Join

I do love it when a site makes earning as easy as possible for its members….. how about you?

This one even gives you $11 when you sign up. Use it to upgrade your account and see how easy it is to make money here.

My link to join is:

Best Wishes

(Your Name)

Subject: 20,000 Responsive Members Waiting For Your Ad

I just joined this really impressive site that provides you with multiple ways to contact members. The advertising is really low cost and works like wildfire.

I suggest you check it out straight away before the cost starts going up.

My link to join is:

Best Wishes

(Your Name)

Subject: Best Lead Generation Tool Available

Regardless of what you want to promote, a powerful lead generation tool can make life a lot easier.

This one GIVES you $11 as well as paying you to use it.

Upgrades are optional, but pay you daily cash bonuses when you do.

It is the best tool I have seen in a long time.

My link to join is:

Best Wishes

(Your Name)

Your Daily Routine For Success

Using traffic sites is a daily task that all marketers need to work on. The more you use this kind of site the easier team building becomes. Spend time learning how to use traffic sites effectively and you will never struggle with team building again.

The main task involved is earning ad credits, so I suggest you use sites that pay you for using them. This will allow you to move from spending a lot of time earning credits to being able to upgrade and get credits as part of the upgrade plan. Focusing on 1 or 2 sites at a time as a free member will allow you to concentrate your effort on doing that.

You can also use free promo codes to help you expand your reach to other sites without spending so much time on earning credits. Use 1 or 2 of these codes each day if you can. I provide 2 lists of sites and codes to help with this:

Traffic Exchange List

Mailers Traffic Sites List

Make use of the information I provide on these lists to make life easier for you. I keep updating the information provided and plan to add a lot of codes to them over time.

If you have any questions about traffic sites and how to use them, simply add a comment to this post. I will get back to you as soon as I can to provide the answer.


6 responses to “Getting Your First 10 Referrals”

  1. Great info I love how great you explain everything

  2. Raju mahtani Avatar
    Raju mahtani

    It’s very clearly and nicely explained Ellie. I am taking the trouble to learn the steps. Not easy but definitely worth the effort. Thank you .

  3. Thanks So Much. Philip

  4. Thanks for the information. I really appreciate you.

  5. I love your explanations. Thank you

    1. Very welcome – glad you find them useful!

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