The Power of The Mind

As someone who has lived with mental health issues for over 40 years, I know for sure how powerful the mind is. Do you?

The mind plays all kinds of tricks……

It will tell you that “you are not good enough” it will say things like “this won’t work for me”. It will even make you think that you can’t find the time, that you are too tired, too stressed, or something else is more important than what you want to achieve.

Yet YOU have the ability to put those thoughts aside and do what you need to do to succeed. You just need to make the decision to do so.

I fight with my mind all the time….. it is part of the illness that I have. I could let it take over control and I would never get out of bed. I would never achieve anything…….

I had to learn to stop listening to the chatter that constantly tries to get in my way. I had to remind myself that I am in charge and what I want to do matters. This is the only way that I have been able to reach my goals consistently.

Fact is, if you want something badly enough then you will not let anything get in your way. You wake up with motivation and determination. You face the day and the task at hand with a power so strong that you will succeed no matter what.

YOU make the time, YOU make the effort, YOU are in charge of your life.

Yes, things happen…… I have fallen down more times than I can count. Yet I ALWAYS get back up and I ALWAYS keep going. I do what I need to do to succeed even when I don’t feel like doing it. I write my blog posts, I work on goals, and watch as I make progress every single day.

Some days the steps I take are very small. I started this journey in terrible fear and I forced myself to spend an hour clicking ads. I did it because I knew it would move me forward.

The progress I made that day helped to push me in the direction I was so scared would lead to more failure……because I proved to my mind it was wrong. There was no way to fail when I took the steps required to earn a little money….except by not doing it.

The mind is a very powerful tool – one that will hold you back if you let it.

If you want to succeed online, you need to take the reigns. Take a step TODAY and EVERY day that will move you forward. If that step is to click 10 ads then do it. If that step is to try doing a survey then do it. If it is to join a traffic site and earn some ad credits then do it.

Fact is if you EARN something each and every day, then you will never fail. I teach people to do ad clicks each day because it is simple but powerful. You WILL make money when you do it. You WILL reach goal number 1 (earning $1) and you WILL be able to move forward.

Most importantly you will have taken control of your mind. You begin to fight back against the chatter that says “it is not worth it”.

Following your dreams of making money online to help your family, or improve your life is ALWAYS worth the effort. Don’t let anyone or anything say otherwise.

Do it right now……

Click Here To Join or login to CoinPayU.

Take the time to click some ads. Earn $0.01 or $0.10 or more because you know it will move you closer to your goal. No ifs or ands or buts. It WILL move you closer each day.

If you want to earn more then DO MORE. Use the additional earning options or add some extra sites to your routine. There is a long list of sites on my Earning Sites List that you can choose from. Take control of your future and do what it takes.

Earning money each day, even a small amount, is one of the most powerful things you will ever do.


6 responses to “The Power of The Mind”

  1. Amanda Durley Avatar
    Amanda Durley

    I feel this, my head does similar to yours and some days it is just SOO easy to give up or be like I cba today.

    1. Yes it is, but we can’t let our minds rule over us when we want to change our lives. I do my ad clicks every day, even on my worst days. It gives me a little bit of control when I feel like I have none AND it helps me make progress even then. You CAN do it! xxx

  2. Happy Weekend Sir. Philip

  3. suresh gangadharan Avatar
    suresh gangadharan

    I would definitely love a push. Could yo just copy paste part 2 of leadsleap and mail it to me. I have completed part 1 and am eagerly waiting for 2nd part. Thank you so much.

    1. I haven’t written anything about using Leadsleap yet Suresh,but I do plan to do that soon.

  4. The mind is very powerful. But we need to use our determination to do everything daily. Not easy but we can do it. I will do it . Thank you for reminding us to focus on our daily tasks.

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