Every now and then I come across a site that I would consider to be quite remarkable. Today I want to share one of those with you.
This site is free to join, provides just ad click earnings, and it has paid me just over $1500 already. Here is my proof of withdrawals:

I also want to highlight the fact that I have not deposited a penny into this account:

To earn $1500+ with this account I followed a simple plan as provided below.
Step1 – Join For Free
Step 2 – Click Ads Daily
To find the ads simply click on the earn money tab and choose View Advertisements from the drop down menu as shown below:

At the top of the page you will see a red banner. You MUST click on that banner and allow the timer to complete to unlock the paid ads. The ads look like this:

Click on the blue heading part of the ad and it will open in a new tab. At the top of the page you will see the timer:

You must wait for the timer to complete and then click on the correct image to complete the view and get paid.
Step 3 – Upgrade As Soon As You Can
The upgrade on here costs $50 which I know is a lot for some people to pay, but when you pay it and upgrade to Golden then you will earn approximately $2 per day. There is a little fluctuation in that but not much.
This payment rate means that you can pay for the upgrade just once and cover the costs each month from your account earnings. You will have a profit of $10 a month without any referrals required.
Please note that it takes about 1 hour per day to complete the ad clicks as an upgraded member.
Step 4 – Work On Promoting This Site To Get Referrals
As always I recommend that you create a blog post to help you promote this account. It is not a normal ad click site and you need to show others how to use it effectively.
If you haven’t started a blog already this post will guide you on how to do it: How To Start A Blog That Earns Daily Cash
Alternatively, I can create a blog for you via My Blog Creation Service
You will need to provide the step by step guide for your readers to follow. When you do this you will unlock incredible earning potential as shown below:

First of all you earn 200% of the ad click value for your own ad clicks ($0.04 per ad click).
You will also earn 50% of referral ad clicks = $0.01 from free referrals and $0.02 from upgraded referrals. That is earning per click.
50 ad clicks by free member = $0.50 per day ($15 per month) from EACH FREE referral you get. You earn double for upgraded members = $30 per month.
In addition you also earn commission on the monthly upgrade and this is paid down 5 levels of referrals.
Level 1 = $10, Level 2 = $4, Level 3 = $2, Level 4 = $1, Level 5 = $1
This is how those earnings build up:
With a single free referral clicking 50 ads a day you will earn $75 per month. That is $60 from your own clicks + $15 from referral.
With 5 free referrals clicking 50 ads a day you will earn $135 per month.
With 10 free referrals clicking 50 ads a day you will earn $210 per month.
With a single paid referral clicking 50 ads per day you will earn $100 per month. That is $60 from your own ad clicks + $30 from referral clicks + $10 upgrade commission.
With 5 paid referrals clicking 50 ads per day you will earn $260 per month. That is $60 from own ad clicks, $150 from referral clicks + $50 upgrade commission.
With 10 paid referrals clicking 50 ads per day you will earn $460 per month. That is $60 from own ad clicks, $300 from referral clicks + $100 upgrade commission.
IF your referrals also work to get referrals you can easily reach $1000 per month of earnings JUST for doing ad clicks for 1 hour per day on 1 account.
This is why I say this is an incredible account and I recommend it to all of my readers. There is no other account I have ever found that provides this level of earning for doing simple ad clicks.
Help To Get Referrals
I know that getting referrals who click ads daily is not an easy task. This is why I plan to provide as much help as I can with team building. I will provide guidance on promoting, various ads to use, emails to send out, blog post ideas, and I will use my Facebook group to assist with team building FOR ACTIVE team members as well.
Basically, if the whole team agrees to work on this site each day, clicking 50 ads per day then earnings will never stop growing.
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