Can You Really Earn A Decent Income From Doing Ad Clicks?

It is no secret that ad clicks are my FAVOURITE method of making money online. They are so simple to do, they definitely pay and people worldwide have been using them for years!

Not Worth The Effort?

Sadly the humble ad click has been given this classification of “not worth the effort” by a lot of people because they are low paid. However, I have built an income higher than the majority of those in so called “real” income systems such as affiliate maketing, by using this extremely simple task.

What Makes Ad Clicks So Great?

Fact is, if you work on doing ad clicks each day then you WILL make money. Yes it will be a small amount BUT what is important for my system is the fact that you make SOME money every day.

When you make some money daily then you WILL reach specific targets. Even if you only earned $0.01 a day then you still end up with a fund pot that continually grows.

Yes, it would take you 100 days to earn $1 with $0.01 a day BUT you still reach that target. If you earn $0.10 a day instead then it will take you 10 days to reach $1. These are undisputible calculations.

They are 100% GUARANTEED.

What Use is $1?

What the majority of people seem to find hard to understand about doing ad clicks is how exactly you can earn a decent income from doing them.

It is very simple really. You join a free site like CoinPayU and you click the paid ads each day. You can complete other paid tasks too if you want!

You focus on earning $1.

With $1 you can do a lot of things….

My personal preference is to add that $1 into an account that will pay a profit.

For example if you put that $1 into Infinity Hash <<< click link to join, you will start getting daily rewards – it is like earning daily interest.

Just like a regular savings account, if you put your funds into an account that pays some kind of interest, then you will end up with more money. Your $1 starts to increase because of the daily reward.

The “trick” with this is to have some method of adding funds on a regular basis…… THAT is what doing daily ad clicks provides.

By earning $0.10 a day you get $1 every 10 days.

That is $3 per month.

When you KEEP earning on a daily basis by doing simple ad clicks you have the perfect system to keep adding funds to your account. You soon end up with $10, $20, $50, $100 etc.

The more you add to the Infinity Hash account the more daily reward you get paid.

Not enough to pay the bills, right?

With a single $3 payment you can earn THOUSANDS of dollars online by using Crypto Team Build <<< click link to join.

If you save your funds until you earn $5 or $10 then you can use many different options.

For example I am earning $10+ a day with Legit Doge Miner <<< click link to join – you only need $10 to start that process. You do not need any referrals to earn from this account!

Focus on doing ad clicks on a daily basis and you can fund many different accounts like this = multiple income streams. With just a few accounts you can easily earn $1000 a month.

Just THREE accounts paying $10 a day = $900 a month

THAT is what pays the bills……

Teaching Others The Same System

Most people understand that getting referrals for online income sites means you earn commission.

When you teach others to follow this same simple system then your income levels continually grow.

When they join a free site like CoinPayU or Timebucks, then you earn money from those sites.

When they save $3 and join Crypto Team Build you earn money there.

If they save $10 to join the sites like Legit Doge Miner that pay $10 a day you earn money there as well.

You can already earn $1000 amonth with NO REFERRALS REQUIRED, so imagine what happens when you get 2 or 3 or 5 or 10 or 100 people following you.

THAT is how I have built a HUGE income online. I have thousands of people following me already. That number grows on a daily basis…..

This is why ad clicks are my FAVOURITE online task!

How To Get Followers and Referrals

When you focus on TEACHING others instead of trying to recruit them your teams will grow naturally.

This is why I write a blog….. It allows me to focus on sharing real and useful information. When I share my blog posts on traffic sites such as Infinity Traffic Boost <<< click link to join, people join the sites I recommend because I TEACH people how to make real income from doing simple tasks like ad clicks….

I use Global Domains International for hosting my blog by the way….. it provides everything I need with simple 1 click set up.

It gets me hundreds of referrals on ANY site I wish to promote!


7 responses to “Can You Really Earn A Decent Income From Doing Ad Clicks?”

  1. Plz describe blog creation of Global domain. Is there substitute free website? Other than GDI?

    1. GDI is the only account I use now – I have not used free blogs for over 10 years and don’t know what accounts are available.

  2. suresh gangadharan Avatar
    suresh gangadharan

    Dear Ellie…
    Yesterday evening I was reading your Blog and did a very foolish thing. I set everything and decided to put in $10 into Infinity hash. Everything worked good and today when I looked in Infinity hash there was nothing I think I lost the whole of $10. I looked everywherefor the $10. lol
    So sad …
    I request you to explain every bit of info for beginners.

    1. You should see the funds in your account balance when you log in on Infinity Hash. If it is not there go back to the account that you sent the funds from and look for the transaction. Check first if it was sent ok. If it was sent then check the address it was sent to. This should match the address in Infinity Hash. If it does then contact support on Infinity Hash and get them to check for the payment. It might be just not processed yet and is waiting to be added. I hope that helps?

  3. It Is Possible To Earn Decent Money Doing Ad Clicks My People. Philip

  4. I will do these steps . Would need to reactivate GDI and Crypto team build.

    The link for ad clicks, please

    1. You do not need to reactivate Crypto Team Build, it is a single payment and your account stays active forever.

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