One of the methods that I use and teach others is how to multiply funds online.
I have already used this method to reach earnings of $100+ per day using my 10 sites to $10 system. I am now looking at those individual sites in much more detail to help me move forward again.
So far I have created my $4000 a month plan using UAP, and now I want to focus on a plan for Infinity Hash.
Click Here to Join Infinity Hash
How To Earn $3000 with Infinity Hash?
My plan itself is very simple. I have noticed that the share price on Infinity Hash is currently holding ground around $3 (with some daily fluctation in line with BTC value changes). To earn $3000 then I simply need to reach 1000 shares. Of course as the value of BTC continues to rise in the long term this plan could easily allow me to earn $10,000 or more…… but I am basing my calcuations on the current value of Infinity Hash shares to moderate my target.
How To Reach 1000 Shares?
It is a simple case of adding some funds to the account to start earning daily rewards. I have already done this part. You can deposit as little as $1 to buy shares here, but I went with $1000. This allowed me to purchase just over 279 shares:

As I said, you can start with as little as $1 with this account – my initial purchase was just $3!
My second purchase was $20 and this gave me just over 7 shares:

You can just as easily build the account from this level to 1000 shares but I wanted to move along a bit faster.
When I reached $1000 in my account the value of these shares rose quite a bit initially and went as high as $1061. Now the value has dropped again and my account value is much lower as you can see:

That is some major fluctuation going on right now……however I am not worried in the least about this value drop. I have purchased enough shares in other companies to know that this kind of thing happens. Instead of being worried about the drop in value I am quite pleased about the chance to purchase more shares at a lower price. This will ultimately allow me to reach my 1000 shares target faster than when the value was higher. It will also give me higher returns when the value goes back up!
Over the past couple of weeks I have added over 30 more shares already just by using my daily returns and commissions. This is the exciting part of Infinity Hash in my opinion – the ability to use the daily earnings system to keep compounding.
I simply log in each day and purchase as many shares as possible with my account balance:

By using this system I am not depositing any more funds, yet the number of shares I have keeps increasing. That is how I will earn at least $3000 (but probably more).
All I need to do is keep purchasing more shares in this way until I reach 1000. Then I can hold the shares until such times as I wish to cash them in!
Simple plan, will just require that daily action of purchasing new shares with my account funds!
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