A Very Simple Automated Earning System

Now that I am earning $100 a day with my 10 sites x $10 system I have been looking at different options to push me forward to the next earning level.

I have already created my $4000 a month with UAP system and have my plan to build Infinity Hash to $3000+

Today I set up something new! This one is designed as a very simple automated system that is perfect for those who are just getting started in this level of online work. Actually it is also perfect for those who just want a simple earning plan that builds itself…..

I was inspired to create this as a “Make Money Doing Nothing” campaign because it takes just a few mins of setting up and then you can let it run and run. The best thing is the more people who set this up, the more everyone will earn!

You can earn over $13,000 with this system.

To get started you will need 3 accounts:

Unlimited Mail Profits <<< click link to join – This is the main account you will be promoting. You should join and upgrade for $5 ASAP. The $5 gives you a solo ad to send to all members but it ALSO gives you 2 different income streams at the same time.

Leadsleap <<< Click link to join – This account will give you the software you need to set up an automated system. You can do this with the free account – the upgraded account gives extra benefits. Upgraded members can run 10 automated ads here with no ad clicks etc required so you may like to consider that for the advertising.

Infinity Traffic Boost <<< Click link to join- This account will be used to automate your ad system. You can start using this account for free and surf to earn daily rewards or you can purchase an upgrade for as little as $3 – $4. The upgrade will allow you to automate your promoting.

Setting up Your Automated System

When you have joined each site above and upgraded on Unlimited Mail Profits and purchased an ad package on Infinity Traffic Boost you are ready to set up your automated system. There are several small steps required to complete the setup. Most take just a few button clicks…..just follow the instructions provided below:

Step 1 = Import Lead Capture Page

You will need to log in to Leadsleap to complete this step. This is the page you will be importing:

Inside Leadsleap click first on the PAGE MANAGER tab in the main menu.

Next click on the ADD A NEW PAGE CAMPAIGN button at the top of the Page Manager:

You will be asked to give your page a name:

The page name I use for this campaign is “Simple Automated $5 System”.

Click the ADD NOW button and you will see this inside your Page Manager:

Click on ADD A NEW PAGE DESIGN TO START button as shown above.

You will see this:

Enter this code in the Import Using A Share Code option: page-akLVNYNwrB

Click the IMPORT NOW button and you will have a copy of my ad page in your Leadsleap account.

You may need to activate the page. If you see the status as INACTIVE like the image below just click on the arrows and it will change to active.

Step 2 = Create An Email List (To save contacts gained when you start promoting)

Now you need to create a list where the email addresses gained from using the capture page will be stored. To do this click on LIST MANAGER in the main Leadsleap menu:

On the list manager page you will see the ADD A NEW LIST button:

When you click the Add list button you will be asked to give the list a name:

I use the same name as the page to avoid confusion. After creating the list you will need to complete an activation process before it can be used. Click on the cog icon as shown below and this will open the LIST SETTINGS form.

You need to complete the form with some of your own details:

When completing the form you will be asked to send a code to your email address. Click on the blue button to do that:

You will receive an email with the code which you need to place in the box provided. You can ignore the advanced settings part of the form if you are not familiar with them. At the bottom of the form you will see there is a tick box for the terms of using the list:

Click on the tick box to agree with the terms, then click on the SAVE AND ACTIVATE button. You will see the red notification when the list is activated.

Step 3 = Connect Lead Capture Page to Email List

To complete this step you need to open the PAGE MANAGER tab again. On the page listing you created earlier click on the LAUNCH EDITOR button:

In the editor menu click on the second option = List

Choose USE SENDSTEED and then click on the GET LIST ID button. Choose your list from the dropdown box. The list ID number will be added to the box as shown above.

CLICK THE GREEN SAVE BUTTON – It is on the top right of the page:

After saving you can close the page.

Step 4 = Add an Email to the System

When someone adds their details to the lead capture page you will want them to receive instructions on what to do. You add this email to the system now and it gets sent automatically when someone joins your email list.

This is the email that I use:

Thank you for requesting information about the Simple $5 Automated System.  You will need the following accounts to set this system up: 

Unlimited Mail Profits – https://www.unlimitedmailprofits.com/?siennakiss

Leadsleap – https://leadsleap.com/?r=ellieo

Infinity Traffic Boost – https://infinitytrafficboost.com/elliesearners

When you have joined using the links above  please read the following blog post for the set up instructions: https://zeroto1mil.ws/2025/03/12/a-very-simple-automated-earning-system/

Best Wishes
Ellie xx

To add a copy of this email to your Leadsleap account click on the single envelope icon then the pencil icon for the WELCOME EMAIL.

Step 5 = Test the System is Set Up Correctly

Before you start promoting the system you should make sure the system is set up correctly. To do this open the lead capture page and enter your own details in the form. You should receive a verification email and the welcome email that you have set up. If not then go back over the steps above to correct the issue.

Step 6 = Add Lead Capture Page to Infinity Traffic Boost

When the system is set up and tested, it is time for you to start promoting. I use Infinity Traffic Boost for all my automated systems as it works extremely well.

To add your page to this account click on GET EXPOSURE in the main menu:

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see the ADD CAMPAIGN URL button:

Click on that button and it will open the following pop up:

Add the url of your lead capture page in the form and click on the slider button to test it shows ok. Click on the SAVE CAMPAIGN button and your Lead Capture page will be added to the advertising section of Infinity Traffic Boost.

As long as you have credits on your account this page will be shown to other members of the site and some will join your email list. You can either surf for ad credits (which pays you a daily reward) or you can purchase an upgrade for fully automated traffic.

Those who join your email list will automatically be sent the email you set up earlier and some will join the 3 sites using your links.

By sharing this automated system with others you will gain downline members on all levels of Unlimited Mail Profits and will earn a constant flow of commission from that account. You can earn $13,106.80 from EACH $5 purchase you make with this account.

You will also gain referrals and earn commission on Leadsleap and Infinity Traffic Boost.

This is a very solid and professional marketing system that will run for a long time earning commission for you AND adding people to your email list. You can use Leadsleap to send emails to your list promoting ANYTHING you wish to promote. This is the method used by top affiliate marketers and it can pay you thousands of dollars per month.

Take the time to set everything up as instructed above and you will be well on your way to becoming a very successful marketer.


2 responses to “A Very Simple Automated Earning System”

  1. This information is Gold – Thanks for the PIF

  2. Laura Dews Avatar
    Laura Dews

    Thanks Ellie, this is Awesome!

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