CoinPayU is most definitely one of my favourite free earning sites and I use it every day. As part of my Earn $1000 a month plan I have given myself the target of earning $50+ per month. However I know that some of my readers in different countries will think that is an impossible target for them to reach.
Today I want to explain step by step how ANYONE WORLDWIDE can reach this same target.
First let me assure you that I understand fully the issues that people in various countries face in terms of completing surveys etc. You CAN reach this $50 a month target without doing surveys or offers!
Here is my step by step guide on how YOU can earn $50 a month using CoinPayU:
Step 1 – Register For Free
If you have not joined CoinPayU already then please click here to join. You will be asked to provide your email address and to create a username and password.
Step 2 – Start Earning
The first thing I suggest you do is simply complete some ad clicks. To do that click on the BROWSE tab and then click the framed ads link. You will see a list of ads that you have available to click on:
There are more ad clicks available in the TIMEWALL offer section that can be completed worldwide.
Many other high paid offers are also provided in the other offer walls. It is worth checking to see what is available in your country. To do this click on OFFERS and then scroll down until you see the OFFERS COMPLETED section:
The setting will be on GLOBAL, but you can choose your country from the dropdown menu (I am in UK so mine says UK but yours will be your country).
This will help you find offers that you can complete and are paying others already.
Step 3 – Keep Earning Daily
This is the most important part. If you do not keep using the site each day then you will not reach earnings of $50 a month. The reason is because you will need to show others that you are actually making money and getting paid by using the site.
IF YOU DO NOT USE IT DAILY THEN OTHERS WILL NOT DO IT EITHER. The main reason for failure is not using it each day!
The amount that you are earning each day initially is NOT IMPORTANT, the habit of making money each day is the important part.
Step 4 – Keep A Public Record of Earnings
For this method to work you will need to record your earnings in some way where others can see it. You can use your social media accounts, a blog or a sharable document of any kind to do this. If possible take a screenshot of your account balance each day and share that.
I highly recommend you write a blog post as this will help you to gain followers and referrals. Your blog post can be as simple as this:
I am currently working on earning $50 a month by using CoinPayU each day. Everyone worldwide can achieve this goal when they follow a few simple steps. My first target is to earn $1 and withdraw those funds. Below you can see my progress:
Day 1 – I earned $0.10
Day 2 – My balance is $0.18 today
Day 3 – Today I have $0.24
(Keep updating until you have earned $1)
This is the most simple method that works to help you get referrals. Make sure you have added your referral link to the blog post or document!
I also provide you with the opportunity to share your daily earning balance in my Facebook group here: Building Wealth Online (Helping Everyone To Earn $1000+ from Zero) This will again help you to get referrals.
Step 5 – Give Yourself A Target of $1 To Reach
On CoinPayU you can withdraw your funds when you have earned $1 (1000 coins). It is very important that you continue to work each day until you reach that target. It might take 1 day for some people, or a week or 2 for others. Just keep working each day until you reach it.
The target here is to withdraw funds to prove that you got paid.
Step 6 – Withdraw $1
To withdraw your funds from CoinPayU I recommend you use Faucet Pay. You can use any crypto wallet you want but I think Faucet Pay is the easiest to use and it usually has no fees.
I recommend using LITECOIN to claim your withdrawal.
To do that simply copy your Litecoin DEPOSIT address from FaucetPay and enter it in the payment settings on CoinPayU. You MUST choose Litecoin from the dropdown menu:
Step 7 – Proof of Withdrawal
When you have earned your $1 and withdrawn it into your wallet it is really important to share that proof. People just want to know that they will actually get paid if they use a free site.
If writing a blog post as recommended above then add this proof of withdrawal to your blog post.
Step 8 – Follow A Simple Plan To Increase Earnings
AFTER you have earned your first $1 and completed the withdrawal as recommended above is the best time to start working on getting referrals.
To do this you just need to share your blog post or proof of earning document with others (on traffic sites, & on social media etc). You DO NOT just share the referral link directly on traffic sites – you need to show the proof of earning and withdrawals.
It is very important that you keep working to earn another $1 and keep withdrawing each time you earn $1. Providing CONSISTENT updates about your progress is vital to your success. The more you share the blog post and/or provide updates on your progress the more referrals you will get.
This is how you can reach earnings of $50 a month. You will start getting paid commission on the activity of your referrals. When you get a referral who can complete surveys or offers even if you can’t do that yourself, then you earn from that.
When you work consistently on this plan you can earn a very significant income just from CoinPayU. It will take a bit of time, but building income levels this way sets you up for long term success online.
Does it Actually Work?
You can see below that I have now reached 108 referrals on CoinPayU and I have earned just under $18 in commission from those referrals. The only thing I do to achieve this is write blog posts and share them on traffic sites, on social media and to my email list.
If you would like help with creating a blog like this one, please let me know below. I can guide you step by step on how to do it.
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