My First One To One Coaching Student

I truly love working one to one with people who wish to learn how to make money online. It allows me to really dig deep into the specific issues that are faced by each person following my plan.

Today I begin working with my first student, Colin from UK. This blog post will be used to track progress, provide guidance and discuss individual issues that are experienced so we can look at ways to overcome them.

Brief Background

Colin has been working with me for a while now and was at the point of giving up completely when we met online. He was tired of not making any money. Since then Colin has started making money on a daily basis and has started building his own email list.

Main Issues To Overcome

Colin has limited time available to spend working online.

Step 1

The first thing I want to work on is to help Colin to build his daily earning routine. We began by using Timebucks and I asked Colin to check to see if he is able to earn $1 a day already. If not then we will work together to look at the options that can be used.

Colin tells me he is currently earning $0.20 – $0.30 a day with Timebucks so our first goal is to increase that amount. To do this I recommend that Colin tests the TASKS section – especially the 24 hour Frequency options.

I have checked this section and there are over $2 worth of earning tasks available:

These tasks are simple and fast to complete – Colin let me know how you get on!

Colin completed 4 tasks and earned $0.92 in 40 mins.

Step 2

Now Colin is able to earn $1 a day on Timebucks it is time to work on getting referrals. To achieve this some blog posts are required.

Colin has already joined Global Domains International and has started writing a blog. Now we can plan a series of posts that promote Timebucks.

Colin, how about starting off with a post that explains how you have started working on a plan to earn $10 a day but were struggling to earn much. Then explain how you were able to reach the first target of $1 a day.

Are you happy to try writing something first and we can work on adjusting it together if needed?

Colin has now written his first blog post and did an excellent job. I read over the post and suggested a little addition of some screenshots showing his readers how to find the different sections on Timebucks.

Step 3

The next step in the process is of course to share the blog post. As Colin has already been building an email list the first thing I suggest is sending his contacts an email to let them know about the post.

Colin, are you happy enough to write an email yourself or would you like some guidance on this?

Colin asked me for some help with this bit…..I am very happy to provide guidance. I suggest you send something like this Colin:

Subject: Earning $10 A Day

Quick question…… Are you earning $10 a day already?

If not, then I have great news for you.

I have just started working on a very achievable plan that allows you to start for free and create an income of $10 a day.

The first step is to reach just $1 a day doing simple tasks on Timebucks. If not joined that site already my referral link is:

I have already reached this goal myself, and have written a blog post explaining how I reached $1 a day. You can read my post here: (insert blog post link). I think you will find it useful!

Best Wishes


Building Momentum

Now that Colin has started working on the 2 main requirements to succeed online – writing a blog post and sharing it with email subscribers, it is time to focus on building momentum.

This requires working on 2 different things at the same time:

Adding new blog posts.

Increasing views.

At first I recommend working on some specific goals and writing about them in blog posts. For example:

Aiming for $10 earned with Timebucks.

Aiming for $100 earned with multiple sites.

Working to get first 10 referrals.

Colin this is all about you chosing a goal that you wish to work on. Stick with that goal until you reach it AND record your progress.

Choose a goal that you are confident you can reach first of all is my recommendation. Let me know below what goal you want to focus on for this and I can guide you on ways to reach it if needed.


22 responses to “My First One To One Coaching Student”

  1. Colin Too Is Enjoying You. Philip.

  2. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Thank you so much for making me your first one-to-one coaching student.

    With limited time spent online, I’m only managing to earn $0.20-$0.30 a day on Timebucks (where I have a total of $2.33).

    As requested, my Timebucks referral link is:

  3. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Hi Ellie! I completed four tasks with a 24-hour frequency – which took about 40 minutes – and I’ve now got pending earnings of $0.92! Needless to say, I’ll be doing that a lot more from now on – thank you so much for suggesting it.

    1. Excellent Colin – Now we can look at the next step!

  4. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Up to now, I’ve only copied your blog posts and tweaked them a bit (back in the day) – but I’ll have a go. Does it matter how long (or short) the blog post is?

    1. Its entirely up to you what length it is!

  5. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Here you go Ellie:

    Thank you for reading this blog post. My name is Colin Riley – and I’m passionate about earning a living online by helping other people do the same.

    I recently started following a plan by my mentor – Ellie Murphy (who has over 10 years experience as a successful Internet Marketer) – to earn $1 a day using a free site called Timebucks.

    At first, I was only earning $0.20-$0.30 daily by clicking ad links for about 45 minutes. But then Ellie suggested using the Tasks section of Timebucks – and particularly the ‘Every 24 Hour’ entries in the Frequency category – and I managed to earn $0.92 in roughly the same amount of time!

    Needless to say, I’ll be no stranger to the Tasks section from here-on-in.

    Now I’m able to earn $1+ on Timebucks each day, it’s time to move on to the next stage of Ellie’s plan: earning $10 a day by introducing other people to this strategy.

    If you’d like to join me on this journey, simply sign-up for Timebucks using the following link and leave a comment below (please believe me, in the days and weeks to come, you’ll be VERY glad you did):

    {Timebucks link}

    1. That is great Colin – well done!! Don’t feel like you have to mention me BTW lol.
      Now you can add it to your blog and I suggest adding a few screenshots – One showing previous earning and one with your higher amount.
      I suggest you also provide some guidance on how to find the tasks section and how to filter by 24 hour option too.

  6. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Thank you so much for the positive feedback Ellie – I must say, I feel very pleased with myself.

    Is it just a case of taking a screenshot, then cropping – or will the size of the images need to be tinkered with in some way?

    1. It is a great feeling to be making progress isn’t it Colin? – In a few days you have already reached the $1 goal and written your own blog post for the first time. You did a great job with that and will soon be a blogging maniac like me LOL!!!

      For the images, just screenshot and use the image block to upload them – Do you know how to find the image block ok?

  7. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Hi Ellie! I’m just about finished with the additions to my blog post (I found the image block ok thanks) – but do you have any idea how to add spaces between blocks, because it looks a bit squished?

    1. Oh just saw this question – you can just add some spaces between the images. Add a paragraph block and do a couple of line spaces – make sure to preview as it can sometimes look a bit different when published.

  8. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    I really want to get this part right Ellie – so yes please, some guidance with the email broadcast to my list would be very much appreciated.

  9. suresh gangadharan Avatar
    suresh gangadharan

    I would like to join your one to one Coaching Programme. It should not be like last time – would not I hope.

    1. The first step I recommend for you Suresh is to read my day 1 blog post and let me know how you get on with that part. The link to the day 1 post is:

  10. I love this and would like to work with you too. I am very overwhelmed as I am working full time and only have limited time to build my online earnings. I have been following the blog and read every email you sent me.
    Great Job Colin

    1. I would be delighted to add you as the next student Angie. Please give me a few days to prepare a post for you.

  11. I am ready to work with you too.
    Timebucks i have about 4.46 .

    My earnings are from below.

  12. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Thank you for your guidance with the email ad Ellie – I’ll get that set-up right away and let you know how I get on.

    Here’s the link to my finished blog post – hope you like it:

    1. I think that blog post is fabulous Colin – It looks really well and all images are perfect (I know you were worried about them but all good).
      Only thing I notice is you have not got comments option turned on – that is a good idea as people will start to chat to you with that if enabled.

  13. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Thanks for reminding me about that (and for your lovely, positive feedback) – I’ve just turned the Comments on.

  14. […] one to one coaching system is proving to be really useful to Colin (My First One To One Coaching Student) and he is making very good progress […]

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