Day 4 of $10 a Day Club

I do hope you are finding this daily look at the earning options on Timebucks to be useful. So far we have been working on the lower paid options as they are the easiest for everyone to complete.

By looking at just the CONTENTS tab earning options so far I have discovered that I can personally earn around $0.25 – $0.75 a day from it. That may not sound like much but those funds can easily be multiplied over and over again. Remember my $10 a day plan requires that each person earns just $1 a day from their own actions.

Today I will be looking at the paid tasks option – There are a large number of paid tasks available in this section now, and it is growing daily.

The paid tasks section is now the most popular part of Timebucks and it is becoming the highest paying as well. Note that paid tasks are available for ALL Timebucks members BUT they do get restricted if not completed correctly.

Today when I checked the amount I could personally earn from this section alone the amount is $1812.28:

This is an incredible amount of money…… and it is important that you take the tasks here seriously. Take your time and make sure that you understand how to complete the task correctly to avoid being banned from this section.

The best way to earn from the paid tasks section on Timebucks is to learn how to use the filters effectively:

At the moment I have over 200 tasks to choose from so I use the filters to reduce this list down to smaller sections. For example, using the “include task option” I can choose to see just the tasks that ask me to complete a specific type of action.

The first thing I do is check for tasks that require me simply to LIKE something:

Here you can see that I can earn $0.53 just by liking 6 posts:

To guide you on using the tasks section properly let me walk you through 1 of these paid tasks as I complete it:

I am going to complete the following tasks now:

To check out the requirements for the task simply click on the green view button as shown above. This opens the full instructions page to complete the task.

Inside you will see various details:

This task has been completed by 19200 members already and not a single person has been rejected from it. As you can see the members have all been paid the same amount and they are from various countries.

To complete the task you need to click the captcha button first to begin the task. You then need to click through the link provided.

This task is to join the Facebook messenger channel so the link will direct you through to Facebook. You may need to log in first…..

You see the channel subscription button and you simply click the blue join button.


This is the main part that people get wrong so make sure you check what proof is required. For this task I need to submit a screenshot showing that I have joined the Facebook Channel.

I submitted the proof and have already been credited:

This was a very simple task and it took me less time to do it than completing any of the ad clicks, yet I got paid much more for completing it correctly.

The paid tasks section is much easier to earn from than the surveys section in my opinion. You simply need to read the instructions properly and make sure to submit the correct proof.

Very few free sites that I know about offer this level of earning to all members worldwide. Learn to use this section well and you will be able to earn a considerable amount from it.


4 responses to “Day 4 of $10 a Day Club”

  1. This is important. Reading it again to do it properly

    Please keep je updated always

    War regards

    Raju Mahtani

  2. Karin Horak Avatar
    Karin Horak

    Thank you so much for day 3 and today’s posts Ellie.
    I’m almost done with the engage task thing as there’s something wrong it gave me error and I submitted a ticket on engaged hits.
    I did the join fb channels/pages and chats the other day – easy money! Will keep checking which one’s I can do as from tomorrow.
    thank you for this… I appreciate you!

  3. […] are easy to complete and some are not. My advice is to start with the simple tasks as explained in Day 4 of $10 a Day Club. Learn how to use the filter correctly and it will become a lot easier for you to earn effectively […]

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