Day 7 of $10 a Day Club

Well it has been quite the week……. I have discovered that I can earn a LOT of money by using Timebucks. Not only can I earn $1 a day doing very simple tasks like ad clicks and liking posts or watching videos on You Tube, I can earn $10+ in a single day or $90+ by playing a single game.

I haven’t even looked at doing the surveys yet either. That was deliberate because I know that paid surveys are not easy for many people to complete in various countries. I do plan to add a section to this blog with general survey guidance.

To be honest I could spend another week quite easily working through all the options on Timebucks. My point however is made already – IF you spend a little time and effort looking at the different options on Timebucks then you will find out how good this site actually is.

In my opinion it is a fabulous first step site that can and will help many people to build a great income online.

I have used Timebucks for several years now and I love that I can use it as part of my main earning plan. It has paid my way into various sites and has also provided me with many referrals for those sites too.

Now it is time for me to really begin to step up my earning game. I want to really focus in on the team building side of the equation. To earn $10 a day from Timebucks without having to spend hours each day on site what I need to do next is figure out a way to get 100 referrals who use the site each day.

I need to get 100 people all using the site each day to earn just $1 a day. As I earn 10% commission from my referral activities that will pay me $10 a day. That is BEFORE I add any of my own earning to the pot.

So how can I do this?

The first step is done already. I have created the $10 a day club and I have written the main guidance in this blog. Now I simply need to promote it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I will not be promoting Timebucks directly. I will be promoting the $10 a day club. This is where many people get confused and struggle to get referrals as a result.

Over the next week or so I am going to share EXACTLY what I do to get referrals. I will also show the results of my promotions.

Are you looking forward to learning how to build a team to help you reach $10+ per day with Timebucks? Do let me know below.


4 responses to “Day 7 of $10 a Day Club”

  1. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Absolutely Ellie – bring it on!

  2. The query is how to build team downline with the help of social media lke twitter telegramn paypal and facebook?

  3. I Want To Learn How To Build A Team. Philip.

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