Day 1 of $10 A Day Club (No Cost)

I am truly delighted to see that several of my readers are interested in taking part in my $10 a Day Club already. It is a simple plan, but one that can make a huge difference to a lot of people online. It is about learning how to maximise your earnings using free sites…..

To take part in this you need to have an account with Timebucks and be willing to work on it each day.

Click Here To Join Timebucks

Step 1 is to work out a daily routine for yourself that allows you to earn $1 a day. I believe everyone can achieve this but might require a bit of coaching to reach it. If unable to reach $1 a day yourself then I will be able to create a adjusted plan for you so you can still earn $10 a day. The main thing is to earn as much as you can initially.

To help you work out the parts of Timebucks that you can use for this plan I am going to explore each part of the site individually and explain how to use it. I will also ask you to conduct a little test each day to help me understand the earning available in different countries:

Day 1 is about testing what you can earn just from completing the ad clicks. In my test I was able to earn $0.26 by completing 141 ad clicks. I live in the UK.

Where you live is likely to affect your earnings a bit so it would be very helpful for me to know 4 things from each person working on this day 1 test:

  1. Where in the world you are from
  2. The total number of ad clicks you have been able to complete
  3. The amount that you earned from completing those clicks
  4. If you completed every ad click available or not

Please add that information to the comments section below.

How To Complete Ad Clicks on Timebucks

Click on the EARN TAB and then click on CONTENT tab. The Ad Click option is the first on the list:

Click on the green VIEW button and the ad will open in a new page. You need to keep this page open for the time specified (5 seconds in the example ad shown above).

Return to the original page when the timer is finished. You will see the timer count down in the tab of the original page.

You will hear a Ka-Ching noise when the timer has completed and you have been paid.

You do not need to complete any action in the ad page that opens.

Return to the original page to start the next ad click on the list.

When you have completed all clicks available you will see the following notification:


19 responses to “Day 1 of $10 A Day Club (No Cost)”

  1. […] Earning $1 a day is a great first target to work on as it can open many doors online. It provides a very solid foundation for moving forward and securing higher level income. For example when you learn to earn $1 a day, you can then build your earning up slowly but surely to reach $10 a day, $20 a day, even $100+ per day. This is the system that I teach in my $10 a Day Club. […]

  2. nayla Auliya Rahman Avatar
    nayla Auliya Rahman

    1. Saya dari Indonesia (Asia Tenggara)
    Daily Poll $0.007 1 1
    Clicks $0.008 8 8
    Engage $0.080 20 20
    Push Clicks $0.004 2 2
    CPX Research $0.095 2 2
    Screenout Reward $0.003 1 1
    TOTAL $0.197 34 34

    itu yang saya peroleh seharian kawan. clik 5 detik 0.001 di negara saya.

    1. Thank you Nayla, It is great to see that you got paid a little from CPX. It looks like you got 8 ad clicks to work for you today – is that a normal amount for you?

  3. Karin Horak Avatar
    Karin Horak

    1. South Africa
    2. 8 clicks
    3. $0.008
    4. completed all there was for me.
    ps. extra poll answered – $0.007

    1. Wow I am amazed there were only 8 clicks for you to do….. Thanks for letting me know!

      1. Karin Horak Avatar
        Karin Horak

        Hi Ellie – Later on in the day I got again a couple of them – not much again – All in all I got 17. = $0.017 – I wonder if it’s not growing daily with a couple in the morning & later on – and then daily totals rise in time? …just a thought.
        Thank you for this opportunity…. love working with you! – Now I’ll go forward to Day 2….

  4. Hi there i am with this numbers in Timebucks

  5. Abdulrahman Alsaadi Avatar
    Abdulrahman Alsaadi

    I am already working

  6. Colin Riley Avatar
    Colin Riley

    Hi Ellie!

    1. England (Lancashire)
    2. 72
    3. $0.127
    4. No (clicked for about 45 minutes)

  7. Mike Dodd (aka the whizpering APE) Avatar
    Mike Dodd (aka the whizpering APE)

    Hi Ellie, as an advanced learner of free earnings websites I have spent a couple of years now learning and exploring tons of free earning programs in order to best apply what I have learned from each different approach and style and I am about to start day one of learning your 10.00 per day plan.

    My personal objective is to begin by following your guidance and then applying my own knowledge to keep up and expand with you from a Canadian perspective.

    I have decided I will provide input on your blog as a representative of my home country in the hopes we can multiply the results globally for everyone.

    You have an awesome easy to follow strategy from what I have seen so far and I look very much forward to participation here and learning as much as I possibly can.

    Great to be here to start my day one and look very much forward to sharing my results!!!

    Good luck to all.

  8. For years I have been earning a little from my online ventures. I hope I will find the answers here,

  9. I finally got back in to timebucks and started with ad clicks
    so far my stats are

    Earnings: $8.743
    Referral: $0.000
    Bonus: $0.700
    Wallet: $9.443

  10. GABRIELA DEL ROCIO Perez Avatar

    Me interesa

  11. عبدالرحيم Avatar

    انا حصلت على 0.74 دولار في يوم واحد الاحالات 0.00

    1. Very good for your first day of earning with no referrals – well done!

  12. I’ve tried but reaching $1 with clicks unless surveys and or tasks

    1. What amount can you earn just from doing the ad clicks?

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